CBD Cream For Pain Canada: List Of The Best Products That Can Help You To Relieve Pain
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CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is one of the cannabinoids present in the Cannabis Sativa plant.
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Several scientific studies have shown that CBD may have a part in the management of pain in certain conditions. Due to this, many people are now looking into using this compound as a therapeutic option. The question that remains is: which is the best CBD cream for pain in Canada? Let’s find out!
We analyzed the reviews left by previous customers to give you the list of the top 5 CBD brands and creams for pain in Canada. We also took into consideration other characteristics, such as the type of hemp farming, production and extraction methods, as well as any additional ingredients used in the final product.
1. CBD Pain Cream by CBDNorth

With numerous 5-star CBD Pain Cream Canada: Healing CBD Salve byreviews, the CBD Pain Cream – Body Balm from CBDNorth is one of the best rated in the market. It’s made with all-natural ingredients and contains 600mg CBD. There are three options available: unscented, lavender and lemongrass, and rose and vanilla. Apart from CBD, it also contains Rosehip, Jojoba, and Calendula.
2. Full-spectrum CBD Pain Cream by CBDMagic

CBD Magic offers a Full Spectrum CBD Pain Cream that is available in 500mg, 1000mg, 2000mg, and 4000mg. It’s made with different essential oils, including Copaiba, Juniper Berry, Laurel Leaf, and Cayenne Pepper. Customer reviews indicate that the cream is very soothing and helps with pain management in a very efficient manner.
3. CBD Healing Salve Cream by CBD2Heal

Another excellent option is the CBD Healing Salve Cream from CBD2HEAL. This salve comes in potencies ranging between 500mg and 4000mg and is available in both unscented and peppermint options. Apart from CBD, it also contains numerous natural essential oils. Customers indicate that it’s very easy to apply, has a nice scent, and helps manage joint pain.
4. Full-spectrum CBD Relief Stick by Mellow Oil

Those looking for something different should try BuyMellow’s Full Spectrum CBD Relief Stick. This product contains 650mg CBD and is made with arnica, olive-infused oil, menthol, wintergreen oil, and cajuput. Customers indicate that this Extra Strength Relief Stick works wonders for sore muscles, chronic pain, and stiff joints.
5. Topical CBD Pain Relief Gel by Mellow Oil

Another excellent option is the CBD Relief Gel from Buy Mellow. This product contains 400mg of cannabinoids. Reviews indicate that this product works very well for pain management and that it’s very easy to apply. Some reviews also indicate that a little bit of gel goes a long way, which showcases how effective it is.
How Can CBD Creams Help For Pain?
While the research surrounding the potential properties of CBD is still lacking in some areas, the same doesn’t happen when it comes to its role in pain management.
Several scientists have found that cannabidiol is a promising option when managing pain, with studies reporting that:
- Cannabinoids, including CBD, have a significant analgesic effect
- Phytocannabinoids are effective in the management of neuropathic pain
- CBD helps decrease the pain levels of people who suffer from malignant diseases
- Cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory properties
- The CBD-based medication Sativex reduces the muscle stiffness caused by multiple sclerosis
- Sativex also decreases the levels of pain and increases the quality of sleep of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis

How To Choose The Best CBD Cream For Pain?
The first step into selecting the best CBD cream for pain is to consult your doctor. They know about your condition and can guide you on which potency and dosage are better suited.
When it comes to CBD cream, many people report that full-spectrum options tend to be more effective. This may happen due to the entourage effect caused by all the natural cannabinoids and terpenes being absorbed together.
We also recommend that you give preference to products made from organically grown hemp and that use natural ingredients. Make sure to choose products tested by third-party laboratories and that received positive reviews from customers.
My Personal Choice: Full-spectrum CBD Pain Relief Stick by CBDMagic
I spend most of my time working on a laptop, which paired with bad postured makes me suffer from back pain. When this pain is particularly bad, I always used CBD Magic’s Full Spectrum CBD Pain Relief Stick with 1000mg CBD. It’s very easy to apply on myself, especially when compared to the regular creams.
Precautions Before To Use CBD Creams For Pain
The World Health Organization reported back in 2018 that CBD is generally safe for consumption by humans, with not many negative side effects being reported.
While this report indicates that this compound has a low toxicity profile, it also mentions that you shouldn’t take CBD with certain prescription drugs. As such, it’s imperative that you consult your doctor for advice before using CBD.
Some people also mention feeling some negative side effects after using CBD, including:
- Nausea
- Drowsiness
- Fatigue
- Dry mouth
- Gastrointestinal problems
It’s recommended that you start your CBD journey with low potencies, and slowly increase it over time until you feel the desired results. Also, don’t forget to check the ingredient list to ensure you’re not allergic to any of the listed components.

Final Thoughts: Which CBD For Pain Relief Should You Prefer?
One thing is certain about CBD: what works for one person might not for another. This happens because each individual has their own needs and conditions, and therefore there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to choosing CBD creams.
Nevertheless, there are some aspects that all high-quality CBD creams for pain have in common:
- They’re made with CBD extracted from organically grown hemp
- Have been tested by third-party laboratories
- Contain high-quality and natural additional ingredients
- Received numerous positive reviews from customers
- Are sold by brands that are transparent about their extraction, production, and testing methods
If the product you’re interested in ticks all these points, then you’ll likely buy a good cream!
Zadalla Mouslech, Vasiliki Valla, Endocannabinoid system: An overview of its potential in current medical practice, Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2009
Marija Darkovska-Serafimovska, Tijana Serafimovska, Zorica Arsova-Sarafinovska, Sasho Stefanoski, Zlatko Keskovski, Trajan Balkanov, Pharmacotherapeutic considerations for use of cannabinoids to relieve pain in patients with malignant diseases, J Pain Res, 2018