CBD Oil For Sleep Canada: The Best Brands And Products That Can Help You To Sleep Longer & Better
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Are you wondering how CBD might help you have better quality sleep? We’ll dive deeper into the scientific evidence of cannabidiol’s sleep aiding properties.
Our Selections
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Over the past years, scientific research has studied how cannabidiol (CBD) may help people sleep better and for longer periods of time. The question that remains is: how to find high-quality CBD for sleep? Here, we’ll give you a ranking of the best CBD oil for sleep in Canada.
We analyzed the feedback given by customers about numerous brands and products. Based on that information and reviews written by industry experts, we compiled the ranking below. We’ll give you an overview of what each brand has to offer as well as which are the pros and cons of the CBD oils sold by them.
1. CBD Oils by CBDNorth

One of the most well-rated brands in Canada is North Wellness. This company offers two CBD oils: full-spectrum and CBD isolate. Both options are made from organic hemp that is grown in British Columbia. The potencies range from 500mg to 4000mg, however, not both options carry the same potencies.
2. CBD Oils by CBDMagic

CBD Magic offers a wide range of CBD oils, and some are even peppermint flavoured. You’ll find different formulas, with full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolate. It also has numerous potencies available, each counting numerous excellent reviews from previous customers. The oils are available in over five potencies, ranging between 500mg and 4000mg.
3. CBD Oils by CBD2Heal

CBD2HEAL offers CBD oils that were specially formulated to help you sleep better. The oils are made with organic and non-GMO hemp extract. The potencies range between 500mg and 4000mg, and the oils are made with CBD isolate. Customers praise its efficiency in aiding with sleep and improving insomnia.
About 30% of Canadians have difficulty falling or staying asleep, with women suffering more from insomnia than men. But, what exactly causes this?
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, several factors are related to sleep disturbance:
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Chronic stress
- Poor mental health
These factors may also be related to sleep disorders, which are a series of conditions that have a negative impact on the ability to sleep well.
There are several sleep disorders, with some being more common than others:
- Insomnia
- Sleep apnea
- Parasomnia
- Restless leg syndrome
- Narcolepsy
Some of these disorders may occur due to other underlying health conditions.

How CBD Oils Can Help For Sleep?
While there’s still a need for further clinical studies about the potential properties of CBD when it comes to sleep management, some studies have already opened some doors.
Several reviews of literature suggest that CBD may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of insomnia, rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness.
It’s also worth mentioning that although there’s still a lack of specific research when it comes to CBD and sleep disorders, there is plenty of evidence proving that CBD helps with neurological conditions that may cause sleep issues. This is the case of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
What Do Scientific Studies Show?
The scientific studies conducted thus far on the impact of CBD and sleep have shown that there’s enough proof for this subject to be further investigated:
- An experiment conducted on a rat model showed that CBD helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle
- A literature review showed that Sativex (a CBD-based medication) improves the sleep parameters in patients with pain conditions
- From 72 adults suffering from anxiety or poor sleep, 66.7% declared their sleep improved during the first month after using CBD
- Patients who suffer from Parkinson’s disease had a prompt and substantial reduction in the frequency of rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder
- There’s pharmacological evidence of the effects of CBD on sleep modulation
How To Choose The Best CBD Oil For Sleep?
There isn’t a straight answer when it comes to finding the “best CBD oil”, because what might work for one person might have no effect on another. Nevertheless, there are some aspects that all high-quality CBD oils have in common:
- They’re made from organically grown hemp plants
- It has been extracted through clean and safe extraction methods (e.g. supercritical CO2)
- The company uses high-quality and organic MCT oil
- It has been tested by third-party laboratories and the lab results are available for consultation
- The type of CBD used matches the contents indicated in the test results
- The oil received positive customer reviews about its quality, taste, potency, and efficiency
My Personal Choice: Full-spectrum My Personal Choice: CBD + CBN And Melatonin Oil by Mellow Oil
Mellow CBD is one of my favourite brands, and one of the reasons why is their CBD oil with melatonin. This oil is made with full-spectrum CBD and contains CBN and melatonin to help me sleep. While I believe that CBD oil works well on its own, I also think that the added melatonin makes a big difference in my experience.
Final Thoughts: Can You Really Consider CBD As Sleep Aid?
One thing is certain: although there’s still a need for further research on the potential effects of CBD in sleep disorders, the evidence so far is very promising.
Cannabidiol has relaxing properties that decrease pain, anxiety, and stress, which can also cause sleep problems.
We recommend that you consult your doctor for advice before using CBD. You should also ask about what type of CBD and potency are better indicated for your needs.
You should also know that, although anecdotal, many customers claim that CBD helps them fall asleep faster and have lengthier and deeper sleep. They also indicate that after using CBD, they feel more refreshed upon waking up.
Maryse Zeidler, About 30% of Canadians suffer from a sleep disorder — and less is known about women’s insomnia, CBC News, 2019
Public Health Agency of Canada, Are Canadian adults getting enough sleep?, Government of Canada, September 2019