CBD Canada » CBD Wholesale

CBD Wholesale Canada: Where To Find The Best Wholesaler To Buy CBD In Bulk?

Those who like to buy CBD in big quantities can do just that by partnering with a wholesaler. We’ll give you an overview of the top-rated ones in Canada.


CBD Products Available In Bulk

While this might come as a surprise to some, it’s possible to buy high quantities of your favourite CBD product. Purchasing in bulk often comes with the perk of having some type of discount. For those who are interested in this option, we’ve tried to find the best CBD wholesaler in Canada. Let’s have a look!

Top 3 Best CBD Wholesalers In Canada (2024)

  1. Mellow CBD Wholesale
  2. CBDNorth Wholesale
  3. CBDMagic Wholesale

CBD Wholesalers Canada Reviews

Below, you’ll find the top 3 CBD wholesalers in Canada. This ranking was elaborated after we evaluated the reviews left by previous customers, analyzed the quality of the products and production methods used, and particularly the transparency of the brands. We’ll give you an overview of what to expect from each.

1. Mellow CBD Wholesale


Buy Mellow is one of the most renowned brands in the country. It offers a wide range of CBD oils with different potencies and types of extracts. It also contains a complete range of CBD for pets, topicals, edibles, capsules, beauty products, and several CBD isolate options. More often than not, their products receive 5 stars ratings from their customers.

  • Wide range of CBD products
  • Excellent reviews from customers
  • Various potencies are available
  • The shop isn’t easy to navigate

2. CBDNorth Wholesale


Another leading brand when it comes to wholesale is CBDNorth. All their products are made from organic hemp that is grown in Canada. One of the biggest advantages of this company is its unique cannabinoid blend of CBD, CBDV, CBH, and THCV in full-spectrum options. The wholesale program is a simple three-step process, and they offer a 90-day money-back policy.

  • Excellent reviews from customers
  • Different ranges of potencies
  • Good price-quality ratio
  • Only 5 products are available

3. CBDMagic Wholesale


With a portfolio of over 65 products, CBDMagic is the ideal partner for those who look for quality and variety. This brand offers CBD isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum options, with all the rated products ranking as “very good” or “excellent”. Another advantage of this wholesale partner is that there is a risk-free operation due to their extensive return policy.

  • Excellent range of products
  • Incredible reviews from customers
  • Different potencies and extracts are available
  • Some products are pricey

CBD Wholesale Canada Overview

Simply put, the wholesale of CBD is the bulk purchase of cannabidiol. Now, you may be wondering, who is buying bulk amounts of CBD?

The wholesale programs that many brands offer are aimed at people that want to start their own CBD brand or who want to become a retailer of already-made products.

As such, many companies sell CBD isolate in bulk for those who want to start a production business and develop their own formula or brand. At the same time, it’s also possible to become a representative of several brands and open your own shop with numerous options for sale.

What Are The Advantages Of CBD Wholesale?

There are plenty of advantages for those who want to buy CBD in bulk. Some examples include:

  • Buying CBD through wholesale programs helps you save money through bulk discounts
  • You can offer your customers a better price since you’ve already paid less for the products yourself
  • It’s an environmentally friendly option as you reduce your CO2 print 
  • You’ll save money on shipping costs
  • It’s possible to increase the variety of brands or products you’re offering your clients
  • You can select multiple types of products and quantities all in one go

With all this in mind, it’s important to understand what your needs and objectives as a bulk buyer are. From then onward, you’ll probably find even more advantages than the ones mentioned above.



Why Should You Consider CBD Wholesale?

There are plenty of advantages to purchasing CBD in bulk. The most obvious one is clearly the price. At the same time, buying wholesale is a particularly good option for those that are just now starting their business in the CBD industry and need to have CBD isolate to formulate their products, or items from other brands to fill in their stores.

How Much Does CBD Cost In Bulk?

The price of bulk buying CBD will vary on numerous characteristics: type of extract, potency, type of product, how much you buy… One thing is certain: Buying CBD in bulk will always be cheaper than purchasing individual products. You should also be aware that although many brands have similar products/potencies, the prices may vary from one to another.

Who Is The Largest Manufacturer Of CBD?

It’s difficult to say which is the largest manufacturer of CBD in Canada, as that information is hard to get by. The reason behind this is that most analysts tend to focus their analysis on the producers of cannabis in general, regardless of whether they produce cannabis that is high in CBD and low in THC or not.

Is It Allowed To Sell CBD In Canada?

Yes, the Cannabis Act considers the production and sale of CBD in the country. Nevertheless, to be a legal retailer of CBD products in the country, you must apply for a license with Health Canada. All the information about the different classes of licenses you can apply for is available on their website.
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